Monday, February 2, 2015

Console Wars: Past and Future

Video gaming consoles are a great way of socializing with others and relaxing after a hard day's work. Although they are fun experience video gaming consoles cost can be quite costly and can average between $300-$600 depending on the offer. That's not even including access to online,additional games and equipment.With all these options selecting the correct one for you can be challenging.

This fierce competition to be the best has created a unique microcosm of conflict among the player bases of the top 3 companies; Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft. Each company provides its customers with their own unique IP's (Intellectual Properties) and gaming experiences that reflect what the consumer is looking for. For example the Nintendo Wii is marketed around a family focused target market and promote games such as the Mario franchise and the Wii Sports games. Consoles such as Sony and Microsoft however are targeted towards the more "hardcore" gamers and promote IP's such as Halo on the Xbox One and Killzone for the Playstation. What's interesting about these two consoles are the fact that despite being identical technically the amount of passion and support from their respective fans is intense.

The "Console Wars" is a term which refers to the conflict between which console is superior. Weather it is technologically superior, better game IP's, better frame rate and even larger console sales, the player bases of each console are determined to express their opinions everywhere online. Examples include gaming discussion boards, YouTube comments and social media are just a few locations of where people will ignite a debate over which is better.

This phenomenon was even parodied in a 3 part mini series on South Park where Kyle, Cartman, Kenny and Stan must choose between their friendship and which console to choose.The series ends in a literal physical fight between Bill Gates and the president of Sony which personifies the conflict and leads the children to come to a realization.

But is this conflict really negative or is it a win-win situation?. Personally I think this console war is the best thing that could happen to these companies. When 80% of your profits come from 20% of your loyal customers base, having consumers who will go out of their way to promote your brand can only help benefit your company. Consumers advertise and promote all over social media and defend their console choice as If it was their own country they were defending.

Even though the console wars are seen as primarily between the Sony Playstation 4 and the Microsoft Xbox One, Nintendo has also seen it's fair share of competition in the late 80's - early 90's between Sega. Similar to today where graphics and processing are used as support in arguments, in the 90's it was all about bits and blast processing. A great example includes this Sega Jaguar advertisement which solely focuses on the graphics of the console making the product superior. Despite heavy advertising on the amount of bits compared to it's competition, the Jaguar provided little in entertaining game play or audio which lead to it's slow decline.

In conclusion the console wars have been happening since gaming was invented and there doesn't seem to be an end in sight. As long as there are options people will fight in order to prove that their decision was the best one. This conflict can be harnessed in order advertise each console and providing your consumer base with USP's allows them to micro market your console all over the internet. It's interesting to see how much passion individuals will have when promoting their plastic boxes and it's interesting to see the psychology behind it. Lets just hope we don't let this jingoism impede research and development of new consoles and technologies and that future tech is determined by consumers and capitalism.

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